The last 1000 meters or so up to the hut are not climbable on wheels - too steep, too stony, too rutted. These are extreme conditions that only a few people would confront with a bike. But it’s the perfect starting point for a novel video idea: Mountain bike pro René is just shouldering his bike when he calls Patrick to inspire him with his idea: a joint descent from the hut to Kandersteg.
To catch up with René in time? Impossible. So Patrick decides to fly his bike up in the thermals instead.
The mission: to create unforgettable memories and inspire extraordinary experiences with high-quality moving images. Such adventures are just as valuable to Patrick as his successes in sporting competitions: such moments connect. Against Gravity is the very picturesque and light-hearted depiction of the story. This video set against the unique backdrop of a glittering Lake Oeschinen is the result of intensive preparation by the entire film team. Patrick alone covers over 20 kilometers in the air just to get the bike up to the Blüemlisalphütte.
When the day of the shoot arrives, the tension builds. Now everything has to be right: The weather, the lighting mood and the performance in front of and behind the camera on this most challenging terrain. "Between all the details for exciting shots, it's important to keep the long view. Projects like this are a good exercise in subtlety," Patrick reveals. That's exactly what he proves as the carabiners click. Firmly attached to the bike via four points, Patrick pulls up his paraglider without steering with brake. With both hands on the handlebars, he keeps a cool head. Knowing full well that without the steering lines, he can't influence the launch process as he normally would. To let go of the handlebars if the glider pulled up to one side would now give him problems.
Three pedal strokes later, the green pasture disappears beneath the athlete. Thanks to his experience with Bike and Fly, Patrick is already prepared for the problem of the bike's lower centre of gravity. He compensates for pendulum movements right from takeoff with very careful body weight position – to prevent unwelcome line twists. After thermaling up with the bike - as if it were the most normal thing in the world - he comes across René shortly before the meeting point: above the tree line at the Blüemlisalphütte.
The reward for the arduous climb are the hiking trails down to Kandersteg, past Lake Oeschinen in its unique panorama. This would apply to this adventure, were it not for a small sign: No Bikes. What now?
The ban makes the way home impossible and would create an insurmountable obstacle for this tour: unless you can fly. Fortunately, bicycles are not prohibited in the air, and extraordinary circumstances require extraordinary measures. Patrick pulls up his tandem wing with René and both bikes attached. He flies the team past the sign, out above the mountain lake, and away towards the setting sun.
Implementing extraordinary ideas together is what makes competitive athletes happy in the long term. In addition, the paraglider is an ideal tool for combining sports. When the weather is good, you no longer have to choose just one sport. Patrick is sure that this idea will continue to grow in popularity in the coming years: "With the paraglider, outdoor sports can be redefined. I'm extremely excited to see how this develops in the future!"
The photographic material is provided by Michael Baumberger, Tobias Baumberger and Johannes Charrois (CHIC SHOT Photography).